
dandy look

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Le British style de Marks & Spencer

On aime tous le style classique du Gentleman anglais, tout droit sorti de la City, et Marks & Spencer fait tout pour nous séduire cette saison. Découvrez les images de la nouvelle collection « British » ci-dessous.

Bien sur, si le style est trop strict pour vous, vous pouvez vous replier sur un look plus « Gentleman Farmer », chic et décontracté. Il y a aussi tout une gamme d’accessoires pour parfaire votre look de Dandy et faire en sorte que l’on vous prenne pour le digne héritier de Dorian Gray. Cette saison, le gris, le marron et le noir sont les couleurs de base que vous pourrez « twister » avec un vert profond, un violet, un bleu dur ou un rouge vermillon. On use et on abuse des cardigans et on profite des formidables cashmere qui vous tiendront chaud tout l’hiver.

Autumn and winter fashions are about to be in full swing, surrounding us everywhere we look. And of course that means if you haven’t picked up a few seasonally fashionable items yet, it’s about time to do so! But before you head out to the stores, or start shopping online, here are a few of the hottest men’s fashion trends we’re seeing this season.

If you’re looking for a simple colour trend (and indeed, different colours seem to come and go with the years), maroon is definitely the answer. In everything from trouser to shirts, from coats to hats and gloves, maroon seems to be everywhere in men’s fashion this autumn.

It’s not just about scarves this season – scarves are trendy any time the weather gets particularly cold and you need to keep your neck from freezing! But in particular this autumn, enormous scarves with bold patterns and colours seem to be in virtually every high profile men’s fashion collection out there. It’s a great way to add some accent to otherwise dull looking outerwear this season. We actually found a scarf-centred blog that recommends the Japanese brand Kolor as a great place to start for bulkier options.

For a lighter alternative to traditional cool weather outerwear, we seem to be seeing more men in cashmere sweaters and cardigans this season. These warm, light pieces are great in that they can be dressed up in the office (as alternatives to sport coats), or worn quite casually while out on the town or in day-to-day life. The M&S heritage collection has a number of great options in this category in a variety of suitable autumn colours.

Whether it’s denim jeans, ordinary khakis, or some brand new chinos, folding cuffs onto your pant legs is a trendy stylistic move this season. It’s a pretty simple adjustment to make, and not everyone considers it part of his personal style – but this autumn, it’s a look we’re seeing all over the place.

This isn’t exactly an original trend, as dark brown leather has essentially always been a classy option. But we seem to be seeing it more frequently in men’s fashion and accessories these days. From leather banded watches, to dark brown leather shoes with black or blue suits, this is one combination of colour and material that represents an automatic boost to your wardrobe.

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