When a talented photographer meet young male models in Paris…
Photographer: Craig Mc Leod – @macleodimages – https://craigmacleod.com/
Models: Helmy, Julien C., Florent, Jean-Louis, Kenzo, Loïk – www.blakemen.com

When a talented photographer meet young male models in Paris…
Photographer: Craig Mc Leod – @macleodimages – https://craigmacleod.com/
Models: Helmy, Julien C., Florent, Jean-Louis, Kenzo, Loïk – www.blakemen.com
Photographe: Matthias Wiebersinsky – www.wiebersinsky.com
Mannequins: Julien C., Alexis, Julien T. @blakemen – Paris. Books available on www.blakemen.com
Photo : Issa Tall @issatall – Model : Cody @cody.dyxiv – Make-Up & Grooming : Miguel Vaio @miguelvaio
Photographe Troy Wise
Coiffure & maquillage Dimitri Theer
Modèle Enzo C.@Blakemen – Paris
Remerciements: Maison Emilio Robba pour le décor floral et la Maison Deyrolle pour le papillon.
Photographer: Gastohn Barrios Instagram: @gastohnphotographer – www.gastohn.com
Model: HernanFernandez
Erreur : Formulaire de contact non trouvé !
Matias Santos: ExecutiveProduction / Adam Efron: Make Up, Hair, Styling / Estilo Wallo: Video Camera / Johan Cardenas PhotographerAssistant
Credits: MODUS VIVENDI Underwear / Jackets: Jorge Sandoval Haute Couture / Harness: Alegra Dee / Accessories: QuentinFernandez / Shoes: PriamoItaly; AlessandroPertile
Location: WORK BAR – Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires, Argentina / Music: SeductressDubstep Audionautixhttp://audionautix.com/
Anthony Royer is back, in front of the camera of the talented Rick Rusch. Enjoy the last day at the beach.
Rick Rusch: www.rickruschphotography.com / @rick.rusch
Anthony Royer: www.anthonyroyer.com / @anthonyroyerofficial
La première fois qu’on rencontre Jacob, on remarque avant tout son allure, sa prestance avant de découvrir un visage qui a du caractère, un sourire franc et un corps sculpté comme celui d’une statue Grecque. Passionné de sport et de diététique, il explique, en toute humilité, entretenir ce que la nature lui a confié, sans toutefois dire non à un bon repas!
Ce New-Yorkais se promène à travers le monde pour son travail de mannequin qui lui permet d’assouvir sa soif de découvertes de nouveaux espaces et de nouvelles cultures et si vous êtes aussi un globe trotter vous le reconnaîtrez sur les murs ou dans les vitrines de Hong-Kong, Milan, Shangaï, ou Paris.
Photographer: Karim Konrad
Pour le contacter: sa page Facebook ou contact@blakemag.com
Voici la nouvelle ligne de tee-shirts David Zeller. Une collection de tee-shirts originaux et anti-conformistes particulièrement dans l’air du temps.
Retrouvez la sélection de nos tee-shirts « coups de coeur » dans cet édito signée Laurent Machet avec notre nouveau Blake Man, Enzo C.
Surtout allez découvrir l’intégralité de la collection David Zeller sur son site: www.david-zeller.com et profitez de la livraison gratuite!
Warren K Carlyle IV (aka ModelWarren) today announced that he will be launching a crowd funding campaign to jumpstart his newest fitness brand, ModelWarren Fitness. The core of this company is a web-based community and forum dedicated to helping people be the best version of themselves through fitness, proper nutrition, and motivation.The companies crowd funding campaign will be active until August 12, 2014 and will aid in funding a membership site and blog with a series of e-books, fitness routines, online group coaching, and potential for one on one support.
When asked why the company decided to go with crowd funding, Warren Carlyle mentioned « There’s a large population of people ready to start their fitness journey, and I wanted to create something for the people, by the people. By doing an Indiegogo campaign, we are able to spread the message and the vision to more people.”
Carlyle also described his company’s mission, as he gave his take on the current state of fitness training online. « My goal with ModelWarren Fitness is to serve as a platform for people who are looking to get rid of stubborn belly fat, build lean muscle mass, and create better nutritional choices. ModelWarrenFitness.com will be a community where people can find the support and motivation they need not only from me, but through each other. “Individuals who participate in ModelWarren Fitness’ crowd funding campaign will receive various discounts on services they order in the form of perks.
For Additional information, contact Warren K Carlyle IV – ModelWarren Fitness PO Box 40854 – Houston Tx 77240
link to campaign: www.modelwarren.com