ArchivesBlogRent a BlakeThere’s a new Blake Man in town!ArchivesBlogRent a Blake by Herve on 14 février 2014 add comment abs belami blake Blake magazine blond model blue eye model bulge cyprien leym fashion fashion magazine fashion magazine for men hairless model half naked model magazine de mode magazine masculin menswear naked model new model rentablake sexy guy vintage 1.75K views facebookTwitterPinterest Steven is the new Blake man: 20 years old, 1.88m, dark blond and incredible blue eyes. Photographer: Cyprien Leym Tags : absbelamiblakeBlake magazineblakemag.comblond modelblue eye modelbulgecyprien leymfashionfashion magazinefashion magazine for menhairless modelhalf naked modelmagazine de modemagazine masculinmenswearnaked modelnew modelrentablakesexy guyvintage facebookTwitterPinterest previous article Singing in the rain next article Sport: le vélo elliptique, votre meilleur allié minceur ! The author Herve you might also like ST DUPONT Paris : UNE CÉLÉBRATION DU SAVOIR-FAIRE ET DU DESIGN GOLA Classics fête ses 120 ans Globe-Trotter 007, voyagez comme un espion international HFC Paris présente «Lucky One» Fêter la Saint-Sylvestre Leave a ResponseCommentName Email