ArchivesBlogEditoSuite 406 by Laurent MachetArchivesBlogEdito by Herve on 16 janvier 2015 add comment armpit blake Blake magazine bush european model fit model france french photographer hairy chest half naked model jeremy fonda lacoste swimwear magazine masculin magazine pour homme male fashion male model mannequin homme menswear mode masculine paris sexy guy socks sous vetement swimwear model the blake men tresor trail underwear underwear model 2.08K views facebookTwitterPinterest French photographer Laurent Machet come back! Enjoy and have a nice week end with Blake! Tags : armpitblakeBlake magazineblakemag.combusheuropean modelfit modelfrancefrench photographerhairy chesthalf naked modeljeremy fondalacoste swimwearmagazine masculinmagazine pour hommemale fashionmale modelmannequin hommemenswearmode masculineparissexy guysockssous vetementswimwear modelthe blake mentresor trailunderwearunderwear model facebookTwitterPinterest previous article Adidas & Raf Simons next article Le Coq Sportif The author Herve you might also like ST DUPONT Paris : UNE CÉLÉBRATION DU SAVOIR-FAIRE ET DU DESIGN GOLA Classics fête ses 120 ans Globe-Trotter 007, voyagez comme un espion international HFC Paris présente «Lucky One» Fêter la Saint-Sylvestre Leave a ResponseCommentName Email