
Stéphane Gizard, french photographer lives and works in Paris. He is specialized in the celebrities’s portraits and a lot of portraits of unknown people, taken all around the world. He works also for many famous brands and for the biggest advertising agencies.
Over the past ten years, he has been relentlessly taking pictures of a specific age category (17/20 years) which he considers as a de- cisive phase between the end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood, that time of life characterized by self-searching and fragility.

Modern lovers is a personal book, an intimate book. It takes us into his world both sensual aesthetic and graphic.

These photo are for mostly taken in Paris between 2011 and 2013.

Exhibition october 25 / November 30.

Book release on october 25th  –  Opening on october 25th at 7 pm BlackBox Gallery at Bizarre 12 Jefferson Street Brooklyn 11 206 NY

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The author Herve

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